AND OTHER drug-induced osteoporosi
Aula Magna dell’Università di Padova
Via VIII Febbraio,2 -35122 Padova
Centro Congressi Papa Luciani, Via Forcellini, 170
35128 Padova
Padua Italy – October 27-29

Dear Colleagues,
We are honoured to welcome you to the 7th International Congress on Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis.
Following the successful results consolidated through state – of – the – art contributions during the past editions, our aim for this conference is to focus on the basic and clinical aspects of GIO as well as of other drug-induced osteoporosis.
Top level research will be shared about skeletal effects, bone cells, fracture healing in relationship with the patologies where the use of Glucocoticoids is mandatory.
We rely on the fact that – as a tradition – our discussions could factually implement scientific knowledge in the field thanks to the passionate contributions of researchers and experienced clinicians that we’ll have the honour to host in this conference.
Our hosting city is Padua, where you will have the opportunity to enjoy the Italian cultural heritage as well as its food and wine tradition.
We look forward to meeting you personally in Padua, The Programme Committee.

Alberto Angeli
University of Turin – Italy

Ernesto Canalis
University of Connecticut Hartford – U.S.A.

Andrea Giustina
University of Brescia – Italy

Giovanni Luisetto
University of Padua – Italy


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© Copyright GIOSEG (Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis Skeletal Endocrinology Group) 2011. All rights reserved.